
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spring Sing

I'm having a choir performance today. I'm excited and nervous but it's cool so please wish me luck. Here's a pic from our rehearsal this morning. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013


flying high
in the sky.
I wish I
was a pegasi.


I have lots of fave places but my most fave is a place near my house that sells snowballs. A snowball is kind of like a snow cone but it is better because there are more flavors, the ice is more soft and it just tastes better. My fave flavor is wild cherry, black raspberry, and polar punch but that's a mix of flavors. My top #1 flavor is...all of them. 

A couple of days ago after school I went and my BFF McKenzie was there so we chatted. Then my other BFF Lauren pulled up so we all sat outside, ate snowballs and chatted. 

Next to my fave snowball place is the best pizza place ever. I might tell you about that another time. It's great!